Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Developing Self-Discipline

  1. Start with small things.

  2. Get yourself organized.

  3. Don't constantly seek to be entertained.

  4. Be on time.

  5. Keep your word.

  6. Do the most difficult tasks first.

  7. Finish what you start.

  8. Accept correction.

  9. Practice self-denial.

  10. Welcome responsibility.

Put the Bible in Your Heart

~ Study It with Heart ~

Approach Scripture with enthusiasm! The psalmist describes the anticipation of learning God's precepts this way: "How sweet are Your Words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" (Psalm 119:103, NASB)

~ Take It to Heart ~

I have lived long enough to realize that I desperately need truth in my life. By now, I've gotten just enough intelligence to be dangerous. I've gotten just enough man's wisdom to know it isn't trustworthy. I need His yes and no, His light to expose my darkness, His precepts to steel my convictions. His Word provides all that.

~ Learn It by Heart ~

Tradition tells us that the Jewish mothers of the first century taught their children to pray, "Into Your hands I commit my spirit" (Psalm 31:5). During Jesus' last hour on the cross, He repeated the same Scripture, most likely having memorized it as child at Mary's knee. I don't know of any discipline that will transform thoughts better than memorizing the Word. How urgently we need truth riveted to our hearts.

What the Bible Does

~ Provides Direction ~

~ Teaches Truth ~

~ Builds Faith ~

~ Changes Lives ~

~ Improves Character ~

~ Calms Fears ~

~ Comforts Hurts ~

~ Instills Hope ~

~ Prepares One For Eternity ~

Friday, June 19, 2009

Living Faith

The word trust

T - Take one day at a time.
T - Matthew 6:34

R - Remember, all things work together for good.
R - Romans 8:28

U - Under no circumstances should you worry.
U - Philippians 4:6

S - Start everyday with prayer and thanksgiving.
S - Thessalonians 5:16-18

T - The lord will never leave you or forsake you;
T - Don't ever forget that!
T - Hebrews 13:5

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Adapted from a Song

Bless the man who made it

And pray that he is not dead

He could have made a million

If he had sold it to the feds

But he was hot for freedom

He gave it out for free

Now everyone can have it